Series editors:
Phillip Sidney Horky (Associate Professor of Ancient Philosophy, Durham University) – [email protected]
Irmgard Männlein-Robert (Professor of Greek, University of Tübingen) – [email protected]
Federico M. Petrucci (Associate Professor of History of Ancient Philosophy, University of Turin) – [email protected]
Cambridge Texts and Studies in Platonism has a twofold goal.
First, it seeks to produce new editions with commentary and translations into English of texts within the Platonist tradition in antiquity. Plato’s philosophy generated a wide range of philosophical debates, ranging from critical engagement with issues raised in his dialogues to exegetical interpretation of his works. From its establishment around 387 BCE until the purported closure of the philosophical schools in Athens in 529 CE, Plato’s Academy stimulated debates which extended well beyond its physical limits in Athens to the wider Mediterranean and Near East, including ‘schools’ and circles in Alexandria and Syria. The results of these debates are often difficult for modern readers to grasp, as the many works which demonstrate the development of Platonism are not generally accessible and thus remain obscured to the history of philosophy. This series seeks to breathe new life into the texts of the ancient Platonists by providing textual editions, commentaries, and translations of the major and minor figures who shaped the history of Platonism.
Second, it aims to publish innovative and original research on the history of Platonism, understood as the reception and transformation of Plato’s philosophical views across time and space. The philosophy of Plato is considered foundational for the development of later metaphysics, logic, epistemology, cosmology, natural science, biology, ethics, and political theory. Philosophers and other intellectuals from the mid-fourth century BCE until the sixth century CE demonstrated a wide range of assessments, appropriations, and reformulations of the ideas exhibited in Plato’s dialogues. This series seeks to provide a forum for critical engagement in the history of Platonism over a millennium and across a range of cultures and communities, demonstrating the multifaceted nature of Platonism throughout its development.
The series will be published by Cambridge University Press in volumes initially appearing in hardback and electronic editions, but with a subsequent paperback usually after a year or so. All proposals and manuscripts considered will need to be approved by the Series Editors as well as at least one independent referee as part of the peer-review system, with final approval coming from the Syndics of the Press. Edited collections can be considered in addition to monographs and editions as long as they are of uniformly high quality and display a high degree of coherence. The normal length for monographs and edited collections would fall into the range of 80,000-130,000 words.
The Series Editors would be delighted to hear from you if you have a proposal or even a full or partial manuscript ready to submit. Please contact them, or the publisher of Classics, Ancient Philosophy and Byzantine Studies, Cambridge University Press, Michael Sharp ([email protected]).
About the Series Editors

Phillip Sidney Horky is Associate Professor of Ancient Philosophy at Durham University. His research focuses on the history of Platonism and Pythagoreanism. In addition to Plato and Pythagoreanism (Oxford, 2013), he has published numerous articles on the history of Platonism, with special interest in the Old Academy. Along with Irmgard Männlein-Robert, he is co-principal investigator of Project Academy. He is currently finishing a source book titled Pythagorean Philosophy: 250 BCE – 200 CE (for Cambridge University Press).

Irmgard Männlein-Robert is Professor of Classics (Greek Philology) at the University of Tübingen (Germany). Her main focus in research is on Plato, (Middle and Neo-)Platonism, ancient religious studies and Hellenistic poetry. Her publications include a monograph on the Middle Platonist Longinus (München/Leipzig 2001), and text, translation and commentary of Ps.-Plato, Axiochus (Tübingen 2012) and Marinus, Vita Procli (Tübingen 2019). Along with Phillip Horky, she is co-principal investigator of Project Academy

Federico M. Petrucci is Associate Professor of History of Ancient Philosophy at the University of Turin. His main lines of research include Plato, the Old Academy, Middle Platonism and ancient science. His publications include a monograph on Taurus of Beirut (London 2018), with a new collection of the relevant texts, and (with Franco Ferrari) a new critical edition of Plato’s Timaeus with commentary (Milan, 2022).