Professors Edith Hall FBA (Principal Investigator) and Phillip Horky (Co-Investigator) have been awarded a 5-year Frontier Research Grant (formerly ERC Advanced Grant) from UK Research and Innovation to pursue knowledge of Aristotle’s writing styles and their reception in ancient philosophy and science. The project, titled ‘Aristotle Pezographos: the Writing Styles of Aristotle and their Contribution to the Evolution of Ancient Greek Prose’, will take place under the aegis of the Durham Center for Ancient and Medieval Philosphy (DCAMP) and feature two postdoctoral research assistants. The team, which includes an advisory committee of experts on Aristotle and on Greek prose stylistics from around the world, will read and determine the prose stylistics of all the major texts of Aristotle and the Aristotelian Corpus, as well as ascertain the influence of Aristotle’s styles on later philosophers and scientists, like Aspasius, Galen, and John Philoponus, over a 5-year period (from September 2023 until September 2028).