July 11, 2019
Philosophy of Music: Perspectives on Antiquity

Speakers and titles:
- Babette Babich (Fordham University): Nietzsche and the ‘Pure Musicality’ of the Dionysian: Archilochian Rhythms
- David Creese (Newcastle University): Ptolemy on Well-Crafted Modulation and Musical Beauty
- Andy Hamilton (Durham University): The Acousmatic in Pythagoras, Pierre Schaeffer and Scruton
- Sinem Derya Kiliç (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): tbc
- Tosca Lynch (University of Oxford): ‘The most beautiful harmony arises from conflicting elements’: Harmonia and the ‘Soul of the Whole’ in Plato’s Timaeus
- Max Paddison (Durham University): Mimēsis in Aristotle’s Poetics and its Reception in Adorno and Ricoeur
- Jacomien Prins (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia): Marin Mersenne on ‘Music as a Superior Language in which Spiritual Conceptions can be Expressed’
- James O. Young (University of Victoria): Is the Ethos Theory of Music Right?
The conference benefits from the support of the British Society of Aesthetics and the British Society for the History of Philosophy, as well as DCAMP and Durham University.
Senate Suite, University College, Durham DH1 3RW, UK.