March 7, 2019
Conor O’Brien on Bede

Bede: More than Just a Historian
The Venerable Bede (d. 735) is rightly famous as the Father of English History. But his intellectual achievements spread far beyond history writing, and indeed the majority of his career was devoted to subjects of much less apparent immediate interest to a modern audience wanting to understand Anglo-Saxon England, namely theology and biblical interpretation. The study of these works is rewarding, however, not just because it helps us recreate Bede’s mental hinterland, but also because it can allow us to nuance and even correct the impressions given in his history.
Dr Conor O’Brien is IMEMS Solway Fellow at University College, Durham.
Seats are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. No tickets or reservations are required.
Senate Suite, Durham Castle, DH1 3RW.