The 2018 NAAP meeting will be organised in Nottingham by Matt Duncombe (sometime holder of a BA PDF at Durham) on 26th-27th March. Speakers to include Emily Fletcher; James Warren; Jamie Dow; Hannah Laurens and Giulia de Cesaris. Join the NAAP Facebook page for updates
Category Archives: News
Welcome to Vasilis Politis
A very warm welcome to Dr Vasilis Politis who joins us this term from TCD as a Senior Research Fellow at the IAS!
Yorkshire Ancient Philosophy Network
Visiting Professor
We are pleased to be welcoming Prof. François Renaud to Durham as a Visiting Professor, based in the Classics Department, from 10th October to 12th November.
Prof. Renaud is Professeur titulaire de philosophie at l’Université de Moncton (Canada); he is a specialist in Ancient Philosophy (especially ethics and rhetoric) and in German philosophy. His most recent book, co-authored with Harold Tarrant, is on Plato’s Alcibiades (CUP 2015).
Job Opening at Toronto
Toronto is looking for someone whose research ‘will focus on ancient science in its intersection with ancient philosophy, that is, natural philosophy broadly conceived, including fields such as medicine, mathematics, and natural science. The successful candidate will be fully qualified to contribute as a regular member in the Collaborative Program in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (CPAMP), a vibrant graduate collaborative program between the Departments of Classics and Philosophy and the Centre for Medieval Studies.’ Level: assistant / associate
Public Lecture 21st September: Creating the Cosmos – From Dante to Dark Matter
All welcome at this lecture by Dr Annalisa Cipollone, Dr Giles Gasper and Artist in Residence Alexandra Carr. Ushaw College, Thursday, 21st September 2017, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Summer reading group: Ola Sigurdson
Jane Heath is organising a reading group over the summer to tackle Ola Sigurdson, Heavenly Bodies: Incarnation, the Gaze, and Embodiment in Christian Theology (Eerdmans, 2016). The group meets on 19th July and 1st, 8th and 15th August.
Skype and external participants welcome. For further information, contact [email protected].

Welcome to our new website!
Welcome to the new website for the Durham Centre for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy!
We hope that you enjoy using the modern website to learn about the Durham Centre for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy.