DCAMP is proud to announce that two of its PhD Students, Dr Carlo Cacciatori (PhD Durham), and Dr Edoardo Benati (PhD Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa), have passed their vivas! Carlo’s PhD thesis was titled ‘Plato’s Later Moral Epistemology’, and it was supervised by Dr Phillip Horky and Dr Giulia Bonasio, with external examination from Dr Nathan Gilbert and Prof. Dimitri El Murr (École Normale Supérieure – Université PSL in Paris). Edoardo’s PhD thesis was titled ‘Gli Horoi pseudoplatonici. Introduzione, edizione critica e commento’ (The Pseudoplatonic Definitions: Introduction, Critical Edition, Commentary), and it was supervised by Prof. Mauro Tulli (Università di Pisa) and Dr Phillip Horky. The external examiners were Prof. Tiziano Dorandi (CNRS, Centre J. Pépin) and Prof. John Dillon (Trinity College, Dublin). Edoardo was a cherished visiting student in Durham for the academic year 2018-19. Many congratulations to them for their excellent work, and auguri for the future!